Call for Speakers
ATA is now accepting session proposals for ATA66. We seek advanced, specialized, relevant, and original content that will give attendees an edge in their careers, set them apart from the competition, and provide an advantage over AI. ATA66 will be an in-person-only conference. Sessions will not be recorded.
Proposals must be received by March 10, 2025. Submit your proposal today!

Submission is open to everyone
Speakers come from all over the world and volunteer to share their experience and expertise with all attendees. They are working translators and interpreters, many of whom are also educators, attorneys, physicians, CEOs, and managers.
By contributing to the advancement of your profession, you will build your reputation and résumé, widen your networking circle, and position yourself as a key player to help shape the future of the T&I industry.
Proposals will be chosen through a competitive peer-review process. The Conference Organizer, along with experts in the relevant language and subject area, will assess each proposal's relevance and its potential to engage the audience and stimulate discussion.
You do not have to be an ATA member to submit a proposal.
Track / Language / Topic
Sessions for ATA66 will be organized first by track, then by language, and then by topic. You may only select one track, one language, and one topic per session proposal.
Step #1: Select a Track
- Translation
- Interpreting
Step #2: Select a Language
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators working from or into Arabic. Sessions may be presented in Arabic or English.
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators working from or into Chinese. Sessions may be presented in Chinese or English.
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators working from or into Dutch. Sessions may be presented in Dutch or English.
English - NEW
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators in subject matters that are not language specific.
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators working from or into French. Sessions may be presented in French or English.
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators working from or into German. Sessions may be presented in German or English.
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators working from or into Italian. Sessions may be presented in Italian or English.
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators working from or into Japanese. Sessions may be presented in Japanese or English.
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators working from or into Korean. Sessions may be presented in Korean or English.
Languages of Limited Diffusion
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators working from or into languages of limited diffusion. Sessions may be presented in languages of limited diffusion or English.
Nordic Languages
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators working from or into Nordic languages. Sessions may be presented in Nordic languages or English.
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators working from or into Portuguese. Sessions may be presented in Portuguese or English.
Slavic Languages
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators working from or into Slavic languages. Sessions may be presented in Slavic languages or English.
Southeastern Asian Languages - NEW
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators working from or into Southeastern Asian languages. Sessions may be presented in Southeastern Asian languages or English.
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators working from or into Spanish. Sessions may be presented in Spanish or English.
Step #3: Select a Topic
Audiovisual Translation
Topics of interest for professionals who work in translation, interpreting, and accessibility of audiovisual content.
Business of T&I
Topics concerning the business aspects of translation and interpreting for solopreneurs and small business owners.
Conference Interpreting
Topics of interest for conference interpreters.
Educators and Instructors of T&I
Topics of interest for educators and trainers preparing the next generation of translators and interpreters.
Topics related to ethics in the T&I profession.
Topics related to finance in the T&I profession.
Topics of interest for translators and interpreters who work for or are interested in government programs at all levels: federal, state, and local.
Grammar and Style - NEW
Topics related to grammar and style in the T&I profession.
Interpreting Theory & Skills Improvement - NEW
Sessions with this topic will focus on interpreting theory as it applies to the practice of professional interpreters, as well as specific skills development to improve practice.
Topics of interest for translators and interpreters working in the legal field.
Literary Translation
Topics of interest for translators whose work is related to literary translation.
Localization/Video Games
Topics of interest for translators working with the adaptation of informational or physical products, applications, or content that needs to meet the language, cultural, technological, and regulatory expectations and requirements of a specific target market.
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators who work in medical settings or support health care services.
Science and Technology
Topics of interest for interpreters and translators whose work is related to science and technology.
T&I in School Settings - NEW
Topics of interest for translators and interpreters working in school settings.
Technology for Language Professionals
Topics related to tools and technology for language and localization professionals.
Terminology - NEW
Topics related to terminology in the T&I profession.
Translation Theory & Skills Improvement - NEW
Sessions with this topic will focus on translation theory as it applies to the practice of professional translators, as well as specific skills development to improve practice.
A limited number of slots for the sessions below are available. The Conference Organizer will make the final decision based on all applications received.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in T&I
Topics related to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the T&I profession, use of inclusive language in translation and interpreting, and policies and practices regarding inclusive language.
Language Access
Topics related to promoting language access in the T&I profession.
New Professionals
Topics of interest for individuals starting their careers in translation and/or interpreting.
Session Types
Each proposal must be submitted as one of the following session types:
AST Courses
Advanced Skills and Training (AST) Day Courses, held Wednesday, October 22, are 3-hour workshops with limited capacity, providing intensive and interactive instruction on a highly relevant topic. Speakers and attendees must register for the Conference to attend an AST course.
Conference Sessions
Conference Sessions, held Thursday, October 23 - Saturday, October 25, are 60-minute presentations (including a 15-minute question-and-answer period). Sessions are open to all attendees.
Distinguished Speakers
These sessions are provided by speakers who have been invited by an ATA Division.
Proposal Requirements
- Proposals must include the session title, the names of the presenter(s), institutional affiliation (if any), city, and emails.
- Proposals must be original. Sessions should not have been presented previously and cannot be presented elsewhere within the next three months.
- Proposals must cite sources.
- Proposals must identify three (3) relevant learning points that attendees will gain from the session.
- Proposals must not include any advertising or promotion of products or services.
- Speakers must register for ATA66.
Speaker Benefits
Speaking at ATA's Annual Conference is a challenging and rewarding opportunity. If your proposal is selected, you may take advantage of the following benefits.
Gain recognition as an industry leader!
- By contributing to the advancement of your profession, you will build your reputation and résumé, widen your networking circle, and position yourself as a key player to help shape the future of the T&I industry.
- Your name, biography, and session information will appear on the Conference website and app.
- You will receive a speaker ribbon with your attendee badge so that you will be recognized throughout the event.
Save on conference fees!
The Primary Speaker of 60-minute sessions on Thursday-Saturday receives a discount of $100 off the 3-Day Registration rate. For each session, only one speaker will be designated as the Primary Speaker who is responsible for coordinating the session.
If you are presenting more than one session, only one discount can be applied. Discounts cannot be combined. This discount does not apply to co-speakers, AST Speakers, and Distinguished Speakers.
Tips for Preparing a Successful Proposal
- Do not send any supplemental material. The decision to accept your proposal is based only on the information provided in the online proposal. Information provided separately will not be considered.
- Submit a complete proposal. If you are unable to submit a complete proposal at this time, please consider a submission for next year. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.
- Focus on how your audience can apply what they learn during your session to grow their translation or interpreting business. Proposals that appear to focus on selling products or services will be rejected.
- Know your audience. Your proposal should be designed for attendees with a specific level of experience and focus on enhancing their skills and expertise in a particular language or subject matter. (Please note that most sessions at this conference will be advanced in both aspects.) There will be some sessions available for beginners.
- Make it relevant. Your proposal should provide clear objectives for what attendees will learn and how they can apply this knowledge.
- Please limit the number of submissions to (2) proposals total as a primary speaker or co-speaker. Additional submissions will be disregarded.
To see examples of conference sessions, please visit last year's website for ATA's 65th Annual Conference.
New for ATA66: Speakers whose proposals are accepted should submit the complete presentation in either PowerPoint slides or Word format by September 1. Further instructions will be included in the June acceptance email.
If you have any questions, please email Cat Kenol, Senior Professional Development and Events Coordinator at